Released in 1971, Anand is a timeless classic film that has left a permanent mark on Indian cinema. The writer of the story of Anand is Hrishikesh Mukherjee. While the screenplay writers include Bimal Dutta, Gulzar, D.N. Mukherjee, and Biren Tripathi, along with Hrishikesh Mukherjee.
The legendary Hrishikesh Mukherjee also directed the movie. The film is celebrated for its emotional storytelling, memorable performances, and its ability to touch sensitive themes with a light-hearted touch. Mukherjee was renowned for blending humor with serious themes, and Anand is the perfect example of it.
Anand explores themes of friendship, life, death, and the celebration of life. Despite its serious topic, the film is filled with warmth and humor, making it a complete package for Indian audiences. The dialogues of the movie are still recalled, and cinema lovers celebrate it by speaking those dialogues.
Anand not only solidified Rajesh Khanna’s status as a superstar but also showcased what a talent Amitabh Bachchan has as an actor, despite being a newcomer in the industry. It remains a timeless classic that continues to connect with audiences across generations. Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s contribution to Indian cinema as a writer and director will always be remembered.