Veronica Decides to Die is a best-selling novel written by none other than the ace author Paulo Coelho. Originally published in 1998, the book talks about a young woman named Veronica, who has everything in life but feels incomplete.
Born in 1947, the Brazilian novelist’s writing in Veronica Decides to Die is thought-provoking and introspective, digging deeper into themes of mental health, societal expectations, and the search for meaning in life.
The novel motivates readers to reflect on their own lives through the character of Veronica by taking us through her experiences and challenges in life. It also talks about the importance of mental well-being and self-discovery in life.
Coelho is best known for his timeless masterpiece, The Alchemist, of which more than 150 million copies are sold worldwide. His books merge spirituality and philosophy in such a manner that a reader gets a good story to read, but with some great life lessons.
Veronica Decides to Die is a powerful and touching exploration of the human experience, while it carefully talks about such vast topics as life, death, and sanity. Paulo Coelho is considered one of the finest writers of today’s time, and Veronica Decides to Die is a testament to that.