Renowned as the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie is the author of the book The ABC Murders. Born in 1890, Christie is one of the most prolific and celebrated authors in the mystery genre. The ABC Murders is one of the most renowned works of Christie.
Published in 1936, The ABC Murders features Christie’s iconic detective, Hercule Poirot, and takes readers to an engaging cat-and-mouse game between the detective and a smart killer. The novel slowly unravels through a series of letters, interviews, and Poirot’s perfect findings, taking readers into the mind of both the detective and the killer.
The novel has left a permanent mark on the mystery genre and still continues to captivate the readers around the world. The ABC Murders has been adapted for television, film, and stage shows, making the novel more popular. The unexpected twists and turns make it a complete page-turner.
Agatha Christie’s The ABC Murders is proof of her genius as a storyteller and her deep understanding of human psychology. From powerful characterization to an entangling plot, Christie makes sure readers get into a world where every clue matters and every character keeps a secret buried inside.