The beloved Toy Story franchise is back with a fresh story in Toy Story 5! Set to release on June 19, 2026, the film promises to bring Woody, Buzz, and the gang back into our hearts. At the helm of this new adventure is Andrew Stanton, a longtime Pixar legend, whose storytelling brilliance has shaped some of the most iconic animated films.
Stanton, who has been a writer for the Toy Story series since its inception, is stepping back into the director’s chair for this installment. With classics like Finding Nemo and WALL-E under his belt, Stanton is renowned for blending emotional depth with universal themes. His vision for Toy Story 5 takes the toys into uncharted territory, exploring their struggle to remain relevant in a world dominated by technology.
At a D23 presentation, Stanton explained, “These characters have given us a unique perspective about growing up and navigating life. With Toy Story 5, their jobs are going to get exponentially harder as they face competition from phones, tablets, and gadgets.”
In addition to this modern twist, the film will feature a subplot involving 50 rogue Buzz Lightyear action figures, adding excitement and humor to the story. Stanton’s passion for the franchise shines through as he works to deliver a fresh, meaningful chapter that honors the legacy of the series.
Fans of Toy Story and Pixar can trust that under Andrew Stanton’s direction, the movie will capture the magic, heart, and fun that have made the series a global phenomenon. As we eagerly await its release, one thing is certain—Stanton’s storytelling genius will ensure that Toy Story 5 is worth the wait.
Mark your calendars for June 19, 2026, and get ready for another unforgettable journey—to infinity and beyond!