In a fast-paced world where time is no less than a luxury, short stories are one of the best literary forms that do justice to our busy lives. In just a few pages, the short stories give us the experience of reading that people often don’t get time for, especially for novels. Whether you are a voracious reader or someone who is new to the world of reading, the benefits of reading short stories are plentiful.
Time Saving
One of the biggest benefits of reading short stories is that they are time-efficient enjoyment. A reader can easily finish a short story in a day or two while they get the reading experience as well. The average short story ranges from 1,000 to 7,500 words, which is perfect for a short time.
Better concentration
Reading short stories encourages focused reading, helping readers to concentrate more deeply. As the short stories finish quickly, a reader does not get the chance to lose engagement. It makes it easier to immerse oneself in the narrative.
Improved writing style
For those who wish to learn writing, there is no better way than reading short stories. By reading short stories, a reader gets a variety of writing styles, which ultimately can become an invaluable tool for bettering writing style.