Renowned children’s author Sudha Murty is set to make her return to the world of adult fiction after a seven-year hiatus with her upcoming book titled “Common Yet Uncommon,” as announced by Penguin Random House India on her 73rd birth anniversary. The Padma Bhushan awardee, known for her extensive collection of over 250 titles spanning various languages for both children and adults, last penned an adult non-fiction work, “Three Thousand Stitches,” in 2017. Now, Murty’s latest creation draws inspiration from her hometown and is fueled by her passion for uncovering the extraordinary within the ordinary.
Growing up in a quaint town with a distinct culture, Murty encountered a myriad of characters that left an indelible mark on her. In “Common Yet Uncommon,” she introduces readers to fourteen unique yet relatable characters who embody the essence of her upbringing. Speaking about her work, Murty shared, “I hope you enjoy reading ‘Common Yet Uncommon,’ and I am sure you can recollect, recognize, reward, and applaud such simple people.”
The book is a compilation of 14 captivating stories that offer a window into everyday life. Through these tales, Murty takes readers on a mesmerizing journey, delving into the intricacies of human nature. The stories traverse childhood memories, connections to her hometown, and a celebration of the imperfect yet boundlessly compassionate nature of human beings.
Milee Ashwarya, the publisher at Penguin Random House India, expressed excitement about Sudha Murty’s return to the adult fiction landscape, stating, “Our beloved author Sudha Murty is back with her new book ‘Common Yet Uncommon’ for adults after a gap of six years. The everyday stories based on real-life characters will entertain, engage, and stay with you for a long time.” The eagerly anticipated book is scheduled for release in October this year and is already available for pre-order on major e-commerce platforms. As Sudha Murty invites us to embrace the extraordinary in the ordinary, “Common Yet Uncommon” promises to be a heartfelt exploration of the diverse tapestry of human experiences.