Victoria, BC based pop singer-songwriter Nicky MacKenzie is a gifted songwriter capable of both hauntingly poignant restraint and irresistibly catchy pop melodies. “Morals,” the title track of her upcoming EP, is a catchy single with a deeper, cathartic meaning.
I knew when writing the song it was going to be about learning to make decisions for yourself regardless of how it might affect your relationships and being aware of the consequences but doing it anyway. About being a people pleaser your whole life and then deciding to start saying no and walking away from situations that don’t serve or even entertain you anymore. Your moral values change when you begin to prioritize yourself. You can blame your vices on others, or you can own up to them and decide to not care. – Nicky MacKenzie
I guess the devil and the angel got a room
‘Cause now my shoulder’s kinda cold
And now I lost my head to you

The strange states we find ourselves in while growing are where Nicky MacKenzie’s soulful new EP MORALS was born. Leaving behind the safe familiarity of adolescence, MORALS is an exploration of the emotional landscape the 23-year-old Canadian singer-songwriter has traversed in the years since her debut album, 2018’s Honeydew. In that time, MacKenzie has left her hometown, navigated shifting relationships, graced the stages of huge festivals, and played intimate shows. In the background, she’s worked on new collaborations and participated in prestigious songwriting workshops, constantly pushing the boundaries of her artistry. The tracks on MORALS are a record of this growth.
You can follow Nicky MacKenzie on Instagram @nicky_mackenzie, TikTok, Spotify @Nicky MacKenzie, Apple Music @Nicky MacKenzie, Facebook @Nicky MacKenzie, X @mackenzienicky1 and website