Mahamrityunjaya Mantra Lyrics & Meaning

The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is chanted to please Lord Shiva and protect oneself from untimely death. If someone in your house is seriously ill, chanting this mantra 108 times daily can bring swift relief. Additionally, performing daily worship of Mahakal and chanting this mantra can remove the fear of untimely death.

Sage Mrikandu, a devoted follower of Lord Shiva, was unhappy because he was childless. Fate had not blessed him with a child. Mrikandu believed that Lord Shiva, who can change the course of destiny, could alter this, too, if pleased.

Determined, Sage Mrikandu began intense penance. Lord Shiva, aware of Mrikandu’s devotion, did not appear immediately but eventually, he had to bow to the sage’s devotion. Pleased, Lord Shiva appeared and said, “I am altering your destiny to grant you a son, but this boon comes with both joy and sorrow.”

With Lord Shiva’s blessing, Mrikandu was blessed with a son named Markandeya. Astrologers predicted that this extraordinarily gifted child would have a short life span of only 12 years. Sage Mrikandu’s joy turned to sorrow. He reassured his wife that the same God who blessed them with a child would protect him, as altering fate was simple for Him.

As Markandeya grew, his father initiated him into the Shiva Mantra. His mother, worried about his short life span, shared the truth with him. Markandeya resolved to seek a long life from the same Lord Shiva who had given him life. As his twelfth year approached, Markandeya began to chant the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra.

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra Lyrics In Hindi

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् |

उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात् ||

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra In English

Aum Tryambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam |

Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaan-Mrityormuksheeya Maamritaat ||

When the time came, the messengers of Yama, the God of Death, arrived to take Markandeya. They found him deep in worship and hesitated to interrupt. Unable to touch him, they returned to Yama, who decided to come himself. Markandeya clung to a Shiva Lingam as Yama approached, chanting the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra fervently. When Yama tried to take him, the temple trembled with a powerful roar, and a blinding light emerged from the Shiva Lingam.

Lord Shiva, in his fierce form, emerged and warned Yama against harming his devotee. Yama, trembling, explained that he was merely performing his duty assigned by Lord Shiva. Calmed, Lord Shiva declared, “I am pleased with my devotee’s devotion and have granted him a long life. You cannot take him.”

The Miracle of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

Yama agreed and promised never to trouble those who chanted the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. Thus, Markandeya was blessed with a long life by the grace of Lord Shiva. This story illustrates the incredible power of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, which can even conquer death.

The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is a powerful tool for anyone seeking protection, health, and longevity. Chanting it pleases Lord Shiva and creates a protective shield against untimely death.

The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, revered for its spiritual and healing powers, is widely considered safe and beneficial for those who chant it with the right intention and respect. There are no known negative side effects associated with chanting this mantra.

Benefits of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

  1. Healing and Health:
    – Promotes physical and mental healing.
    – Strengthens the immune system and overall well-being.
  2. Spiritual Growth:
    – Enhances spiritual awareness and connection.
    – Encourages inner peace and tranquillity.
  3. Protection:
    – Provides protection from negative energies and forces.
    – Guards against accidents and misfortunes.
  4. Emotional Balance:
    – Helps in overcoming fear, anxiety, and stress.
    – Brings emotional stability and calmness.
  5. Longevity:
    – Associated with increasing lifespan and vitality.
    – Renowned for its life-affirming properties.

To gain the maximum benefits from the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, it’s essential to chant it with sincerity, correct pronunciation, and a focused mind. Regular practice can lead to profound positive changes in one’s life.

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra Meaning

  • Om: The universal sound, a sacred syllable representing the essence of the universe.
  • Tryambakam: Refers to the three-eyed one (Lord Shiva), symbolic of spiritual knowledge and power.
  • Yajamahe: We worship, adore, or honor.
  • Sugandhim: Sweet fragrance, referring to the divine aroma of Lord Shiva.
  • Pushtivardhanam: Bestower of nourishment and fulfillment, the one who increases our vitality and health.
  • Urvarukamiva: Like a cucumber (gourd) from its vine, symbolizing the natural process of detachment and liberation.
  • Bandhanan: From bondage or attachment.
  • Mrityor: From death or mortality.
  • Mukshiya: Liberate or free us.
  • Maamritat: Grant us the state of immortality or eternal life.

“We meditate on and worship the three-eyed one (Lord Shiva), who permeates and nourishes all like a sweet fragrance. May he liberate us from the bondage of worldly attachments and the cycle of birth and death, just as a ripe cucumber effortlessly detaches from its vine. Grant us immortality and enlightenment.”

Simple Meaning of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

We worship the three-eyed One, who is fragrant and who nourishes all.
Like the fruit falls off from the bondage of the stem, may we be liberated from death, from mortality.

This mantra is recited to invoke Lord Shiva’s blessings for health, prosperity, and protection from all forms of misfortune and untimely death. Its regular chanting is believed to bring peace, tranquillity, and spiritual growth.