Hello Author Amercia Morris, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org! When did you fall in love with writing?
In my Sophmore year of Highs school I was enrolled in AP English Literature Mid semester we were introduced to poetry, one of my assignments was to Research several different styles of Poetry Haikus, sonnets limericks and ballets, then identify Poets who had that particular writing style and to complete we had to compose our own piece and read aloud in front of the class I was always very shy and reserved and Once I completed the assignment I found a new voice that allowed me to express myself in ways I didn’t know I could.
How did you decide you wanted to be an Author?
From my experiences with sharing my writings I I realized that I could help myself become stronger I saw as well the people who listened were not only entertained by my writing also helped those who had not found their voice yet and they could relate to my work so I realized this was my gift and I could help more people by devoting myself to what I love, and sharing it with more people
Through your journey who/what has been the most impactful inspiration?
My parents my mom who taught English briefly would reinforce how important it was to mean what I say and say what I mean so as young as 5/6 I studied language a lot and I read the dictionary on my own time and I always looked up words and their meaning and their synonyms and their antonyms and the root of it and the correct way to use those words in a sentence so I could express myself as I should because words are one thing you can’t take back once you give it.
And my dad was my biggest fan of me writing I would read to him my work and he would listen and encourage or give me constructive criticism but always told me to keep going. Whenever I had an issue in school he would sit with me and we would write out a letter to give to the teachers because I was so shy and I would sit down and wouldn’t talk sometimes. As an immigrant he had to teach himself how to read, write and speak the English language properly so as he knew by doing so people would take him seriously which in return would allow him to succeed , and he also wrote A lot and I watched him write articles for the Buffalo News paper I saw his process of sometimes being rejected as it wasn’t written properly and he never conceded he had something to say and it was heard only because he wrote it on paper I saw him achieve a lot of things other people couldn’t simply because instead of speaking he wrote a letter.
How many works do you have published as of today?
I have two Planet Nooky My first baby, which is a Fantasy Novella and Blooms of Nooky which is a fiction Novel,
Do you have a favorite of the two?
No I love them both they show my creativity for different audiences It allows me as well to not get stuck in a certain writing style/genre they are similar with the Nooky, but just like Nooky each experience can be totally different and take you different places.
What’s next for you?
More of me!! I continue to write and edit even if it’s only for five minutes each day I have somewhere between 7 to 10 works that are unreleased because I want to ensure I continue to show myself to improve. Particularly because I wrote edited, Published and copyrighted both pieces myself.
The titles why Planet Nooky and Blooms of Nooky?
Planet Nooky is significant as because my work is me, it will outlive my existence in this world so to the people who read my work they need to know they entered my World. I want my readers to experience everything only I have to offer, and continue to thrive, and experience pleasure from reading what was created on my planet, I know once you enter my world you will want to become a citizen, the same way Everyone throughout the galaxy wanted to stay on Planet Nooky with Oni and Gamba. Both Planet Nooky and Blooms of Nooky is captivating titles as it leaves a lasting impression on with each individuals imagination. Everyone asks me what does Planet Nooky mean I give a brief synopsis but I like to leave people wanting to know more.
Blooms of Nooky is centered around A Flower shop but it’s not your average flower shop and Duchess is not your average 20 something year old. You have to read the books to understand and I love the effect of the ah ha moment as once you finish it will all come together beautifully. My pieces are original and like no other before.
Blooms of Nooky gives you so many surprises and plot twists, which is what keeps readers engaged.
To know more Author Amercia Morris don’t forget follow her on Instagram @planet_nooky