The ninth installment of the Zachary Blake Legal Thriller Series finds “The King of Justice” attending the bar-mitzvah of Josh Cooper, his friend Rich’s son. Josh’s special day is interrupted when a bomb explodes, and Josh disappears during the melee. Cooper’s neighbor, Chip Ellis, is also missing. Is this a hate crime? When the neighbor becomes the FBI’s principal suspect, Zack is tapped to represent a man he thinks is guilty. Is Chip an innocent neighbor in the wrong place at the wrong time, or is he . . .
The novel has earned instant praise, including this fabulous 5-star review from ReaderViews. The Anti-Semite Next Door is now available at
“Provocative. Insightful. Eye-Opening. A masterclass in suspense and legal drama. Bello’s skillful blend of authentic courtroom strategies and edge-of-your-seat storytelling makes this book impossible to put down,” Readers Views
“Although a fictional account, this book is quite timely. The Middle East war and college campus protests across America have shined a light on this topic,” says Adrienne Mazzone, President of TransMedia Group. “We strongly believe that Mark M. Bello’s crusading fictional social justice lawyer, Zachary Blake, will soon attract network interest and become a character on series television,” added Mazzone.
Mark M. Bello, author, social justice advocate, and attorney with 45 years of courtroom experience, has an innate passion for justice that jumps off the page. From the critically acclaimed Zachary Blake Legal Thriller Series to ‘The Blake-Lewin Family Cookbook,’ his new cozy mystery, ‘The Final Steps,’ and his upcoming legal romance novel, “Love Hate Law,” Bello has mastered the can’t-put-down, nail-biter. Among his published works are critically acclaimed children’s books. ‘Happy Jack, Sad Jack—A Bullying Story’ is a social justice lesson on preventing bullying. His soon-to-be-released ‘What Should I Do, One Thing or Two? Asher’s Distracted Lesson’ teaches youngsters about the dangers of distracted driving.
Mark M. Bello is also the principal host of the Justice Counts Podcast and an op-ed writer for various national publications
For more information about Mark M. Bello and his work, please visit
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