Author: WorldAuthors.Org

British-Indian writer and poet, Rohini Walker moved straight from London to the Californian high desert almost seven years ago. In that time, she’s managed to harness the pioneering spirit of the Wild West, making waves with her words. Walker co-founded, and is Creative Director and Editor of the print periodical Luna Arcana, for which she also creates a lot of written content. The publication has been gaining a steady and growing following across the States and Europe over the last several years, and is a wonderful example of how a genuinely independent grassroots creative endeavor can make an impact with…

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Regardless of your income level, it’s important — and possible — to start building wealth now, and you don’t have to be an expert on finance to do it, advises author and financial planner Edward R. Williams. His new book, Wealth Building for Beginners: Your Manual for Taking Control of Your Financial Future, Now! is an instruction manual for ordinary people that makes financial concepts easy to understand and adaptable for individual situations. Williams details the top three personal obstacles that often stand in the way to building wealth and how to overcome them; provides step-by-step instructions for building The Wedge™; and…

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Radhia Gleis spent 25 years of her adult life in the Buddhafield cult, under the influence of a narcissistic sociopath known by many names: Michel, Andreas, The Teacher or Reyji. She escaped the psychological prison of cult life over 12 years ago, but the emotional scars remain. The post-traumatic stress, forever entombed in her psyche, is repeatedly triggered by the characteristics of political and cultural leaders of today, prompting her to explore her past decisions through a much broader lens that sheds light on the blind spots — and dangers — of groupthink. “What makes people give up their will,…

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Caring for an ailing parent is a challenge many of us will face. For 22 months, Lisa Roseman devoted herself to caring for her dying mother. As she learned to navigate her new life as a sole caregiver, Roseman battled depression and exhaustion; she struggled to connect with her mother, only to be met by rejection; and, in her weakest moments, she questioned her faith. In The Highest of Care: A Journey Through Cancer, Roseman offers hope in the face of terminal illness, denial and the reality of death. The book details the healing journey of Roseman’s relationship with her…

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Millions have turned to running during the pandemic for an array of both life-enhancing and pivotal reasons: better physical health, mental health, and for a sense of freedom and clarity. Iconic superhuman endurance runner Dean Karnazes leads the way with his unparalleled perseverance pushing the limits of one’s own body and mind. A two-time New York Times bestselling author, Karnazes has gone well beyond inconceivable limits of the human body, accomplishing such feats as running 135-miles nonstop across Death Valley, running a marathon to the South Pole, and running 50 marathons, in all 50 states, in 50 consecutive days. In his latest memoir, A Runner’s High(HarperOne;…

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“Pretty girls don’t get cancer,” the doctor assured M. Patricia Diaz over 30 years ago. At the age of just 16, Diaz was scared and uncomfortable. However, the doctor’s words were meant to reassure her — and at the time, they worked. Patricia had been bracing for bad news, and now she felt relieved. Two months later, she was diagnosed with stage IV terminal cancer. Pretty Girls Don’t Get Cancer is Diaz’s candid, compelling story of overcoming the medical odds and transforming herself — mind, body and spirit — as a way of nurturing her ongoing healing process. Diaz experienced a year…

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The world has started understanding the importance of brand engagement. Still, despite thousands of searches online we were unable to find many tips on brand engagement… thankfully, we came across a very interesting book on brand engagement, “The Power of Brand Engagement” by Personal Branding & Brand Engagement Expert Gaurav Gulati. The Power of Brand Engagement is a quick guide to winning customers. It aims to help you tackle your brand engagement hurdles and finally take your brand to the next level. With detailed explanations of how and why brand engagement is crucial to long-term success and dozens of proven methods to set yourself…

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Equillian’s Key, from K.L. Harris, plunges readers into the vivid, nautical world of Equillian, where pirates plague the seas, enchanted objects are outlawed, and a mysterious element whispers of unparalleled power. The adventure-filled story begins in a time when Equillian’s precincts stand united, but the people are divided between the wealthy and the impoverished. With the alchemists’ creations banned, steam technology is on the rise, and flying ships are replacing the need for dragons. Here, Bastian and Felix live a simple life, picking pockets and pulling cons on aristocrats, dreaming of the chance to change their stars. But that’s all…

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Indie-Folk singer/songwriter Julia Cannon recently released her new EP entitled “Listening.” With profound lyrics like will you fight for us like you’d be fighting for yourself?, the title track from the EP is a reflection of the heaviness Julia has felt over the last year.“I decided to produce and mix this whole project over the course of this pandemic, with the idea that having something to work on would help me to process my grief,” Julia explains. “Little did I know that there would be so much grief to process. There were two deaths in my family and then the whole country witnessed the murders of George Floyd and Breonna…

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What’s the meaning behind ‘The Addiction Manifesto’It’s about the games and illusions created by our addictions to keep us captive, it needs to keep us hostage long enough until our life spins out of control, then it owns us.  Addiction has a way of breaking us down, piece by piece, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, but the end is always the same, jails, institutions or death.  One of my book goals is to help people navigate thru the early recovery obstacles that often lead to relapsing, if I can prepare you in advance for what is coming then you have a…

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