Author: WorldAuthors.Org

Hello Douglas, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org! Please tell us about yourself. I am the author of four books. My most recent one, Dead People, came out recently. I am also a classically-trained musician and former video game producer. Where are you from?I grew up just outside of Washington, D.C. although I lived in LA for most of my adult life. What do you like to do in your spare time?I usually write in my spare time or play with my dog who is, btw, featured in my new book as one of the main characters. Can you tell us a little bit about…

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Hello Terri, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org! Please tell us about yourself.My name is Terri Jay. I am an author, speaker, clinician, entertainer and more. I am an intuitive, medium, animal communicator, horse whisperer, medical and veterinary intuitive, remote viewer, map dowser, and I communicate with people who cannot such as those in a coma, PVS, TBI’s, severe Alzheimer’s, dementia, severe Autism, neuromuscular diseases, strokes and more. What do you like to do in your spare time? I have Haflinger horses and I like to trail ride when I have time. I also do a lot of writing in my spare time as…

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Hello Author Heather Mathes, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org! Tell us what drives you to write? Your motivation and the purpose of your book(s)?A passion for sharing what works for me is what drives me to write. I have gained so much valuable knowledge through the years around nutrition, fitness and overall wellness and it brings me joy to share that knowledge with others that may be interested in learning about any of the above. This writing also became my pay-it-forward for the amazing career I’ve had throughout my decades-long modeling career. What do you hope readers will get out of your books?…

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“May You BE Healthy” is a must-read book for everybody who wants to drastically improve their health. In fact, it is a great book to own, because it is, as dubbed by its own author, Ravi Sahay, an owner’s manual for our body. As such, it should be used to create healthy habits in many areas of our lives: detoxing, eating, exercising, recharging, resting and so on. What intrigued me right away about this book is the point Sahay makes that we need an owner’s manual. The human body is way more complex than a car, yet we follow detailed…

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Adrian Lee Zuniga, a creative novelist, residing in Casper, Wyoming, has released his trilogy “The Elder Scrolls – Žaneta’s Chronicles,” which is now available on Amazon. As Zaneta travels across mountains and imperial landmarks, “The Edge of Oblivion” story brings her back to familiar old cities. The story, which is dripping with raw emotion, displays the momentum and supporters that Zaneta has amassed on her quest to locate her family. Part two opens with Zaneta’s ship docking in Narsis, on the continent of Morrowind, for the first time. From here, she goes on the hunt for clues that can help…

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Lenny Cavallaro is a true “Renaissance man” — an author, as well as a concert pianist, composer, hypnotist, karate black belt, chess enthusiast (and “wood-pusher”), futsal referee, and philosopher. He is also devoutly convinced that digital publishing is the wave of the future (cf., Hello Author Lenny Cavallaro, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org! What is your book actually about?Well, one could certainly describe it as “a bout with reality”! Seriously, though, it is a book, or more accurately a series, that defies categorization in any set, given genre. I call it a “dark-erotic/spiritual romance” (if such a thing exists), and that…

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Hello Author Jenny Mannion, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org! Tell us about yourself.I am 52, I have 2 kids – 22 and almost 19. I live with the love of my life who I have been with for the last 7 1/2 years. I love helping people. It is my passion to help others see how beautiful they truly are and how they have the power to change their lives. Where are you from? I am from New York City originally and have been upstate NY for the last 18 years. What do you like to do in your spare time?I love to…

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Hello Author Gary Morgenstein, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org! Tell us about yourself. I’ve published six novels, most recently my critically acclaimed dystopian political novels A Mound Over Hell and A Fastball for Freedom. I’m also a playwright. A Black and White Cookie, which was nominated for 10 Broadway World awards including Best Play, premiered at Silver Spring Stage outside Washington, DC in October. A Tomato Can’t Grow in the Bronx, which will premiere – Omicron permitting – at Center Players in Freehold, New Jersey, February 11-27. Where are you from?I was born in the Bronx, New York and now live in Brooklyn, which some consider the Center…

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Author Marta Nater comes from a large family and was raised within the northern parts of New York City and Massachusetts. Since her childhood she has loved writing and desired to become an author. Marta Nater currently resides in Orlando, Florida Hello Author Marta Nater, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org! Where are you from? I was born in Puerto Rico, but was raised up in New York and Massachusetts since the age of 1. When and why did you begin writing? I began writing back in my early teen years, I always loved writing. I became a writer because writing seemed to…

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Adam Loosley has spent years working in live-family entertainment, both as a Performer and now as Performance Director for Disney On Ice. He grew up in Petrolia, Ontario-Canada but now calls Tampa, Florida home when he’s not ‘on-the-road.’ Of course, Florida is a great place for road trips. Yet being on the road in the Sunshine State can be dangerous, with many car, motorcycle and truck accidents each year. So, be sure to get the number of a good truck accident lawyer before you set off on your next road trip across the pan handle.​YOU ARE A GREAT STORY! is…

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