Author: WAO Team

HELLO FRANK GUTTA, WELCOME TO WORLDAUTHORS.ORG! WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO WRITE YOUR SAFE RETIREMENT ROADMAP?When you get close to retirement and you saved a nice next egg. Your mind set has to change from growth and risk to guarantees and protection of your principal. You need an income stream that will replace your paycheck in retirement, an income stream that is guaranteed for the rest of your life like social security, like a pension, but most people don’t have a pension so we need to create our own. The only way to guarantee lifetime income is through an annuity. Most…

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Stuart Waldner is an activist and an author who invites readers to take the red pill as they Escape the Meatrix. Escape the Meatrix, Waldner’s debut nonfiction book, was written after he transitioned to a plant-based diet in 2008. His health improved, he felt better, and the more he learned about the statistical connections between our dietary choices and the worldwide climate crises we face, the more he felt an urgency to wake people up—for our health and for the planet. Waldner spent nearly two decades exploring Earth’s greatest wonders and connecting with sacred sites around the globe. When he’s not…

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As someone who was possibly born with hearing loss, the author’s hearing loss became more severe as she grew up. Tracy was a child who struggled in school at the age when the essential skills of reading, writing, and comprehension developed. These skills have always been a challenge throughout her life. Tracy Markley’s accomplishments have not come easy. The challenge to hear well in daily life activities and in communications with others can make her brain tired. Reading lips was a habit she was not aware she was doing. Hearing loss can cause fatigue, depression, isolation, and often experiences of…

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Join Hilda in this festive celebration of the book Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations! This book will awaken your inner Goddess-given Power and Divine Feminine Leadership. Hilda will be in attendance, speaking to Barnes and Noble audiences and signing books for guests. Hilda Zamora serves as an inspiration to her community and clients. Hilda is accomplished as an attorney, author, speaker in feminine empowerment. As a woman that has overcome much adversity, Hilda is a woman who refuses to be defeated. She uses her pain to fuel her inner-fire, never giving up even when she feels she could…

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HELLO AUTHOR DINO CARELLA, WELCOME TO WORLDAUTHORS.ORG! PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF.I’m 56, father of a 26-year-old boy, living in a happy relationship. I’m an ex many things, but to keep things simple I’d say that I’m an ex corporate leader with 30 years of experience in the financial services, now a coach, writer and consultant. WHERE ARE YOU FROM AND WHERE DO YOU LIVE?I was born in Ostia, on the seaside of Rome, and this is where I live now after having lived in the UK for seven years. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME?Mostly…

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Robin Sharma has emerged as a master storyteller since his first book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” was released. He changed umpteen lives with his talks, books, stories and sessions. There is some magic in Robin Sharma with which his followers can connect so quickly and easily. The Five AM Club is a club that tells us not only about the importance of waking up at 5 AM but also what to do after waking up early. There are so many practical concepts that the author reveals in the book. Robin Sharma motivates us to become a better version…

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Matthew Mattox has been working as a SUSE Principal Support Engineer since 2019. He provides client-based support for enhanced consumer experience. Mattox has experience in both Engineering and DevOps along with having a deep understanding of software such as OPA Gatekeeper, Docker, Rancher Longhorn, and Kubernetes. He designed custom solutions to fight changing problems. He was also named the “Bullfighter of the Year” for his remarkable work at Rancher Labs. He works to make IT a profit center rather than a cost center. Rancher Deep Dive: Manage enterprise Kubernetes seamlessly with Rancher by Matthew Mattox provides a deep understanding of…

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Join this Writing Workshop with Radhaa Nilia, Founder of Radhaa Publishing House Saraswati Writing Workshop Date: Thursday, December 1st Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm The Goddess is my muse, and in this workshop, I will share with you how to work with the Archypte of Saraswati to invigorate and activate your creativity. Goddess Saraswati awakens your unique light frequency to shine as an innovative living conduit of creativity from your soul. It’s time to connect to your inner Goddess Muse to start writing from your soul’s voice. This workshop will be both experiential and interactive. We start with meditation -…

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Power 101: The Harvard Report, Soul Music and The American Dream, from Dr. Logan H. Westbrooks and Schuyler Traughber, takes readers on a musical roller coaster ride through personal and public domain stories. The core of the book chronicles events from the 1970s from the perspective of the music executives who marketed and promoted the globalization of R&B and soul music. Throughout the book, readers will flash back and see how former music executives created the greatest songs and biggest acts in the country. In 1972, CBS Records commissioned Harvard Business School and CBS Black Music Marketing Director, Logan Westbrooks, to develop a…

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Success Secrets of Disrupters provides 16 unique perspectives from professionals who’ve become bona fide game changers in their respective fields while finding ways to pivot and adapt in today’s warp-speed economy. “Disruptors operate in a world where every industry is being affected by one or all of the following: AI, blockchain, capital markets, climate change, electric vehicles, food shortages, homeworking, inflation, the IoT, robots, scaling cities, the metaverse, water demand and, of course, war,” writes Thomas Power in the book’s foreword. “Growth is much harder; companies struggle, and leaders worldwide are under immense pressure to pick the right choice. With unlimited…

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