Author: WAO Team

As a writer, there are many challenges one has to face. The biggest challenge while researching is to get the right information. In this article, we will share 5 writing tips that would help a content writer to research any topic. If you are a writer, then you must know about these tips. Here are the tips: #1 Understand the topicOnce you know about the topic you are writing about, it would be easy for you to find the kind of content you are looking for. #2 Explore an ideaA good idea would help you make your content look neat…

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There are no foolproof, how-to writing manuals out there that can magically transform you into the next successful writer. However, there are some things that you can do to hone your skills to become a published author. The 5-Step Plan to Writing Glory; Take A Look… First, make writing a daily habit. You must have heard this numerous times before, but it’s crucial. The best method to hone your writing skills and release your full creative potential is to make writing a regular part of your routine. Write original and genuine content. If you’re working in an organization, set aside…

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Helping American citizens realize their biological potential and live free from the burden of chronic conditions is the moonshot at the core of surgeon-scientist Firouz Daneshgari’s powerful new book, Health Guardianship: The Remedy to the Sick Care System. In it, Dr. Daneshgari draws upon more than 30 years of research to offer an unflinching look at the systemic dysfunction caused (primarily) by America’s fee-for-service healthcare model — and proposes effective solutions. “When you use healthcare services as a source of revenue, everything we do … has side effects or complications,” he said. Among those complications: Approximately half of all healthcare services delivered…

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Columbia, SC, December 16, 2022 — It’s common for kiddos to feel uneasy about unfamiliar experiences — like doctor visits. But these fears can make a minor checkup seem like a major catastrophe. For doctorally prepared pediatric nurse practitioner Andrena Zeigler, helping children overcome their fears has been just as integral to her job as practicing medicine, prompting her to write her children’s book, But I’m Not Sick! In it, Dr. Zeigler uses playful rhymes and cheerful illustrations (by Mark Brayer) to share the story of a little girl whose mother tells her it’s time for a doctor visit. The child…

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Some people literally put in a lot of effort to become good writers. However, there are some natural instincts that a writer is born with, which are as follows: 1. Creativity  Creativity is the biggest strength that a writer will always have. Using your creativity to its fullest potential is essential while writing. 2. Originality Writing novels or stories is a competitive field, and if you want to stand out, you need to come up with an original story or angle. You may also have a keen eye for details that could prove useful in your line of employment. 3.…

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Chicago, December 14, 2022 — Investment professionals know that 99% of the time, identifying a good investment opportunity begins with identifying a good company. But, qualitatively, what makes any particular company “good”? Drago Dimitrov shows readers how to make such evaluations and comparisons across many industries in his new book, What Does This Company Do? Understanding a Business and its Risks. “You cannot understand the risk of an investment if you do not understand the business model of the company. The two go hand in hand,” he said. Dimitrov demystifies qualitative due diligence by using the concept of Spectrum Thinking to…

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The author and podcast host, Jay Shetty, is to start his first world tour. The bestselling author has announced tour dates for “Jay Shetty: Love Rules” in 2023. The former monk is a podcaster, life coach, social media sensation and motivational speaker. The tour would give an experience of 90 minutes where Shetty will show the audience live meditations, experiments and demonstrations related to health, wellness and love. “I have waited for this moment for years. I am so excited to be headed on tour to connect with my incredible community in person, to share space and energy. I promise…

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If you’re planning to get into writing, then knowing different types of writing is essential. In this article, we will discuss the four different writing styles; take a look… 1. Expository Writing You must have seen journal articles that disseminate data and findings to peers in the same field. Such articles are known as expository articles. The expository writing style is used to share relevant data and information with readers. It’s a great tool for sharing information, whether that’s a method, an opinion, or some newfound wisdom. 2. Descriptive Writing Descriptive writing is a style of writing in which the…

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Returning from Silence: Jenny’s Story from author Michèle Sarde is an intimate, first-person retelling of a mother’s unwavering determination to conceal her Jewish identity from the Nazis and to protect the life of her daughter, born at the onset of World War II. The story seamlessly interweaves the personal history of Jenny, her daughter Michou and their Judeo-Hispanic family from Salonica with acutely contemporary themes of concealed identity, assimilation and persecution, the women’s struggle for emancipation and the German occupation of France, all told poignantly, with flashes of dark humor. The daughter Jenny was protecting was just a little girl when…

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Stephen King’s The Dark Tower is getting turned into a TV series for Amazon. The ambitious project is in the works from Mike Flanagan and Trevor Macy’s Intrepid Pictures under a new deal with Amazon Studios, according to Deadline. In an interview with Deadline, Flanagan and his producing partner Trevor Macy revealed that they have the rights to the series and to develop it themselves. “If you know anything about me, you know it has been my Holy Grail of a project for most of my life,” Flanagan said. The Dark Tower fuses science-fantasy and horror and is set in…

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