Author: WAO Team

As smartphones get smarter and out-of-pocket healthcare costs continue to rise, the world of medical apps has exploded, explains biotech expert Harry Glorikian. And today, there are more than 350,000 different healthcare apps to choose from. “If you could own an app that could diagnose you with the same accuracy as your primary care provider, you’d have the virtual equivalent of an on-call physician with you at all times who could help streamline your care in real life,” Glorikian wrote in his new book, The Future You: How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Can Help You Get Healthier, Stress Less, and Live Longer.…

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“Shhh… I died” At the face of the book, in the form of the Flower of Life, is a call to those who find solace, and perhaps, courage, in the knowledge that there is something bigger than our individual existence – an interconnectedness of life on Earth and Universal existence. What waits inside for those who choose to answer the call is the long road that led me to the flower, among other things. However, more than a road, it is a mirror. The picture I was handed with was composed of others’ ideas that I was supposed to follow,…

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Job openings are near record highs, and unemployment is close to a generational low. But recent college grads face their own unique challenges. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York released data that the jobless rate for those ages 22 to 27 with a bachelor’s degree has surpassed the national average every month since January 2021. What does this mean for parents of new grads? What can these young adults do to prove their worth to prospective employers? And will they ever make enough money to move out of the house? The competition for finding a job after college can…

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The King of Bollywood, Shahrukh Khan is undoubtedly one of the biggest superstars in Indian cinema. He’s a self-made superstar who is famous not only in India but also abroad. Also, he’s called as world’s 2nd richest actor. The superstar also loves to read a lot. His home library is as huge as his stardom. In this article, we will talk about 5 books that Shahrukh Khan recommends us to read. If you are his fan, then you should know what he loves to read. Here’s the list:- 1. The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams It is…

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Allen B. Clark returned from the Vietnam War a double-leg amputee. It took 15 months of rehabilitation, 20 surgeries, eight years of psychotherapy and his faith in God to help him heal. Through the years, Clark became involved in politics and was eventually appointed as an assistant secretary at the National Department of Veterans Affairs. It was through that appointment where Clark met and mentored hundreds of veterans and listened to their stories. The blood lost — the lives lost — haunted him, and he began to study the history of wars intensely. The undertaking consumed him, and he didn’t…

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Traverse City, MI, October 3, 2022 — Destined to Fly: The Story of Pilot Ron Strauss – From Iowa to Elvis, from noted Elvis historian and journalist Sally Hoedel, retraces the life of an ordinary boy from Iowa as his life takes an extraordinary turn and he becomes a pilot of one of the most famous airplanes in existence — Elvis Presley’s 880 Convair, the Lisa Marie. From an early age, Strauss had a desire to be involved in aviation, and he served 12 years in the United States Air Force. As a flight engineer, Strauss flew 3,400 hours during the Vietnam War,…

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Surviving sexual assault, attempted suicide and an arranged marriage is one thing. Processing all of that pain and living a full life proved to be something entirely different for speaker and author Poonam Bhuchar. “In the shadows of emotional pain, survival can take priority over healing,” Bhuchar said. “Lasting reverberations of traumatic experiences can cripple decision-making skills, creep into relationships and leave scars on the people you love.” Eventually, Bhuchar’s emotional trauma also took a physical toll. She suffered two strokes and temporary paralysis before beginning her long journey toward authentic healing. Today, she shares her powerful story through speaking…

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HELLO CAROLINE SECKINGER, WELCOME TO WORLDAUTHORS.ORG! CONGRATS ON RELEASING YOUR LATEST COLLABORATIVE BOOK, AWAKENING STARSEEDS VO. 3, DREAMING INTO THE FUTURE. WHAT DOES A STARSEED MEAN TO YOU?One who is incarnated in human form on Earth while aware that this experience here is a fractal of a larger cosmic unfolding beyond time and form. Usually, the quality of knowledge or wisdom arises outside the group mind, revealed through the desire to serve Earth, her plants and creatures, land bodies, humanity, creation, and love. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO BE IN THIS BOOK?When I met Radhaa and Maya at the 2021…

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When Klair Knox wakes up one day with no memory, her only mission is to remember who she was. Her best ally in this effort is her husband Luke, but when she sees discrepancies between what he says and what he does, she suspects he’s keeping something from her. When her therapist uses gestures and gives her non-verbal clues as if someone were watching, Klair feels unsafe. When she meets a stranger who seems to know more about her past than she does, she questions everything. Why is her husband not telling her everything? Is he even her husband? What…

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What could be more entertaining than watching hedonistic lawyers fall flat on their faces? In Filthy Rich Lawyers, Book One: The Education of Ryan Coleman, author and attorney Brian Felgoise and co-author David Tabatsky weave a satirical legal thriller filled with scenarios loosely based on real-world interactions Felgoise had with lawyers, judges and plaintiffs, with one new key ingredient: guilty pleasure at the expense of unscrupulous, filthy rich attorneys. “I laughed out loud at the salty wise cracks on most every page,” said Matt Flynn, author of Milwaukee Jihad. “But underneath the lightning paced humor is a serious message about corruption in class action…

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