Every book lover is commonly called a bibliophile. A bibliophile means a person who collects books or has a great love for books. Book lovers love to know about new words which can define what kind of readers they are. In this article, we will share 5 words that every book lover should know. Let’s see if you know the meaning of these words or not. If you are a book lover, then you should know about these words. Here’s the list:- 1. BibliobibuliDo you read a lot? Yes, then this word is apt for you. Bibliobibuli stands for those…
Author: WAO Team
Do you dream of being an award-winning actor, fashion supermodel, Miss Teen USA, Miss Universe, or even starring in television shows? Christie Trinwith, an author, based in Manhattan, recently announced that her book, “Be a Real Model-Actor,” will be released in hardcopy soon with a new cover and additional informative resources. The book provides valuable insights into the abilities and information that are necessary to launch a successful career in the entertainment sector. Originally released in April of this year, the new edition will be out in December 2022, with pre-selling over the Thanksgiving season. Christie Trinwith has vast experience…
HELLO AUTHOR CLYVE ROSE, WELCOME TO WORLDAUTHORS.ORG! TELL US WHAT DRIVES YOU TO WRITE? YOUR MOTIVATION AND THE PURPOSE OF YOUR BOOK(S)?I write out of curiosity – I have an insatiable curiosity about people and in the way people move through the world. The way we impact each other, touch each other, move each other. Not just physically (though if you’ve read my books, you’ll know that’s part of what fascinates me), but in our hearts and souls. How does one person come to know another? How does a person come to care for another person – sometimes so deeply that…
Natalie Shay is an indie-pop artist hailing from North London. The multi-award-winning musician has established an ever-growing presence and loyal fanbase through her explosive live performances and unforgettable anthems, recognising her as one of the UK’s hottest emerging talents. With indie synth pop leanings and ferocious guitar playing, Shay’s references range from Haim and Taylor Swift to Little Comets. Her relatable lyrics touch on love, self-discovery and the everyday experiences of a twenty-something. Combining her youthful and charismatic aura with her classical training and time spent at the prestigious BRIT School, Shay has finessed the ability to produce undeniably catchy…
No doubt, in today’s times, reading has become a tedious task for many. Today’s generation thinks either they don’t have time to read or aren’t interested in reading. However, they ignore the umpteen benefits that reading books provide to us. In this article, we will talk about 5 reasons why today’s generation is not interested in reading books. If you belong to the present generation, then you will find the reasons relatable. Still, it is never late to start reading. Here are the reasons: 1. They prefer social media over booksEven though social media does not benefit much, users find…
J.K. Rowling is a billionaire author who is famous for writing the fantasy series Harry Potter. Being a renowned author, she is also an avid reader. The author wasn’t always wealthy and well-known because she had her bits of struggles as well. The significance of reading books is invaluable for everyone – be it kids or adults. In this article, we will talk about 5 books that J.K. Rowling recommends you to read. If you want to start reading books, then you can start with these books. Here’s the list:- 1. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Written…
CONGRATS ON RELEASING YOUR LATEST COLLABORATIVE BOOK, AWAKENING STARSEEDS VO. 3, DREAMING INTO THE FUTURE. WE’D LOVE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR WORK. HELLO MICHELLE WOODRUFF, WELCOME TO WORLDAUTHORS.ORG! PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF (AND YOUR WORK):I have a diverse background in both art and science. The place I am today was set in motion over 30 years ago when I obtained my dance and psychology degree from Webster University. Others would describe me as “unusual,” “different,” or “mysterious.” All of which were accurate. I have had multidimensional contact since I was a child; the earliest I can…
HELLO AUTHOR LAURIE BOWLER, WELCOME TO WORLDAUTHORS.ORG! TELL US SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF?I first started writing in 2010, and within three years, I wrote over 15 books. Writing fantasy and thrillers has always been something I love. I mean, inside a fantasy book, anything can happen! I did take quite a long break from writing from 2013 until this year, and so far this year, I’ve written and released six titles. There are many more planned as well, most of which are currently with my editor. YOUR BOOK, “THE BATTLE FOR EVOV”, WAS PUBLISHED RECENTLY. TO BEGIN WITH, COULD YOU TELL THOSE…
HELLO AUTHOR HJALTI KRISTINSSON, WELCOME TO WORLDAUTHORS.ORG! CONGRATS ON RELEASING YOUR LATEST COLLABORATIVE BOOK, AWAKENING STARSEEDS VO. 3, DREAMING INTO THE FUTURE. WE’D LOVE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR WORK. PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF (AND YOUR WORK):Yes, I’m happy too, and thank you for creating this wonderful platform to make it so much easier for people like me to shine our light on a bigger part of the world and reach more people who resonate with our passion. I’ve been working with energy for most of my life. When I was young, I always felt there was…
HELLO, WELCOME TO WORLDAUTHORS.ORG! PLEASE TELL US, WHAT IS YOUR LATEST COLLABORATIVE BOOK?I am involved in several collaborative book projects. The latest Book released by Radhaa Publishing House is “Awakening Starseeds: Dreaming into the Future, Volume 3.” I am honored to be a co-author amongst other incredible visionary writers, coaches, and healers in this amazing Book curated by Radhaa Nilia. It’s out now for Kindle pre-sale and will launch on Amazon on Aug. 8, 2022. Paperback will be distributed to Barnes and Noble, Target, Walmart, and Amazon. This is very exciting for all of the authors. I wrote my chapter…