The renowned French writer, Guy de Maupassant is the author of the famous short story The Necklace. Published in 1884, The Necklace is a timeless classic and masterpiece in the world of literature. The story talks about greed, pride, and the effects of one’s actions.
The story is about Madame Mathilde Loisel, who lives in a small flat, and her husband works as a clerk. As she is unhappy about her life, Mathilde always thought of living a life of luxury and extravagance.
Her husband brings an invitation to a fancy ball, and Mathilde is quite excited to attend, but she’s ashamed of her simple dress. She thinks about borrowing a necklace, which makes her a centre of attraction at the party, though she loses the necklace once she’s back from attending the function. Mathilde and her husband spent years paying off the debt for the necklace they borrowed from a rich friend.
Born on August 5, 1850, Guy de Maupassant is considered the best French writer of short stories. His stories are known for realism, psychological knowledge, and vivid descriptions of French society. Maupassant has written on a huge range of topics, which include war, love, social issues, politics, prostitution, marriage, and many more.