New Delhi, India – Renowned Bollywood actress Huma Qureshi, celebrated for her remarkable performances in movies like ‘Gangs of Wasseypur,’ ‘Badlapur,’ ‘Monica, O My Darling,’ and her streaming series ‘Maharani,’ has embarked on a new creative journey as she steps into the realm of literature with her debut fantasy novel, ‘Zeba: An Accidental Superhero.’
In ‘Zeba: An Accidental Superhero,’ Huma Qureshi skillfully weaves a tale that blends the enchantment of magic, a sense of wonder, and intense passion. The novel promises readers a captivating narrative of heroism, transformation, and the unbreakable human spirit in the face of adversity.
Reflecting on her foray into the world of literature, Huma expressed, “I’ve learned that accepting who you are, with all your quirks and uniqueness, is the most empowering journey one can embark on. We live in a world that needs diversity, and every individual’s story is a piece of that beautiful mosaic.”
She further added, “Stories of fierce women are not just the need of the hour; they are timeless tales that inspire generations, reminding us that strength and resilience know no boundaries. We need these stories to remind ourselves that we, too, can be the heroes of our own lives. This novel is deeply personal and it puts out there the rawest, most unfiltered version of me.”
Huma Qureshi’s journey in the entertainment industry is as intriguing as the characters she portrays on screen. As an outsider in the Indian cinema, her remarkable ascent from Delhi to the pinnacle of the film industry serves as an inspiration to countless aspiring talents who dare to dream big in Bollywood.
‘Zeba: An Accidental Superhero’ is scheduled to hit the shelves in December this year, promising readers an enthralling and empowering literary experience.
Huma enthusiastically shared the news of her debut novel with her followers on Instagram, posting a picture of herself with the book cover. In her caption, she expressed her excitement: “Finally, the cat is out of the bag!! Super excited to share the announcement of my debut novel: ‘Zeba – An Accidental Superhero.’ Been working on this for the past 2 years, and everyone around me knows how much this means to me. Book out in Dec 2023.”
Huma Qureshi’s venture into the world of literature is eagerly anticipated, and ‘Zeba: An Accidental Superhero’ promises to be a captivating addition to the world of fantasy novels.